C/C++. Языки программирования Си, Си++

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Safe C++: How to avoid common mistakes

Автор: Vladimir Kushnir
Год: 2012
Издание: O'Reilly
Страниц: 142
ISBN: 9781449320935
It's easy to make lots of programming mistakes in C++ - in fact, any program over a few hundred lines is likely to contain bugs. With this book, you'll learn about many common coding errors that C++ programmers produce, along with rules and strategies you can use to avoid them. Author Vladimir Kushnir shows you how to use his Safe C++ library, based in part on programming practices developed by the C++ community. You'll not only find recipes for identifying errors during your program's compilation, runtime, and testing phases, you'll learn a comprehensive approach for making your C++ code safe and bug-free.
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 07:51:25



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