Real Resumix & Other Resumes for Federal Government Jobs: Including Samples of Real Resumes Used to Apply for Federal Government Jobs (Government Jobs Series)
Автор:Anne McKinney Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 1885288352 This book is designed to help people who see their first federal government job as well as federal employees who want to advance in the system. The process of getting a government job often involved preparing complex applications or specialized resumes which include the "resumix." One complication of the federal hiring process is that the resume used for federal employment is not the same as the resume used to obtain civilian employment. This book shows real examples of effective federal resumes and the "resumix" which worked for real people. This book will do a great deal to make the federal hiring process understandable as it illuminates one of the most complex features of getting a government job: writing the federal resume or "resumix."