Polluted and Dangerous: America's Worst Abandoned Properties and What Can Be Done About Them
Автор:Justin B. Hollander Год: 2009 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 332 ISBN: 1584657197 Blighted, contaminated, and abandoned property mars nearly every major American city. Justin Hollander conducted primary research in twenty urban centers containing such "brownfields" or, in the most serious cases, "HI-TOADS" (High-Impact Temporarily Obsolete Abandoned Derelict Sites). His goal was to study the sites and the official handling of them through the lenses of sustainability, urban planning, redevelopment, and environmental justice. In Polluted and Dangerous, he scrutinizes specific sites in five of the affected cities: New Bedford, Massachusetts; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Richmond, Virginia; Trenton, New Jersey; and Youngstown, Ohio. Hollander poses the serious questions that local planners face when dealing with issues related to HI-TOADS. For instance, to what degree do planners recognize and acknowledge the problems? Do they see intervention as necessary, and, if so, to whom do they assign the responsibility for it? What measures are undertaken, and how successful are...