Play Your Best: How To Be The Athlete You Want To Be (Volume 1)
Автор:Jeremy Boone Год: 2012 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 106 ISBN: 0615729258 What if you could more consistently play your best? What if you could develop a better mindset to take advantage of all of the hard work you put in practice everyday? Imagine the kind of athlete you could be if you learned how to leverage your love for your sport and believe in yourself when it counts the most? The world’s best athletes know what it takes to consistently be their best and now you can too with the help of Play Your Best. This uniquely designed interactive journal will guide you through a twelve step system to develop the mindset you need to more consistently play your best. After working through each of the twelve steps you will: -Learn why your self-identity is the single most important mental quality for athletes -Discover the TRUTH about what it takes to improve mental toughness -Learn how to master your self-confidence in any situation -Discover the 4 stages that EVERY athlete must go through in order to be your best -Learn the critical conversations you need...