Pattern Theory: From Representation to Inference (Oxford Studies in Modern European Culture)
Автор:Ulf Grenander, Michael Miller Год: 2007 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0199297061 Pattern Theory: From Representation to Inference provides a comprehensive and accessible overview of the modern challenges in signal, data and pattern analysis in speech recognition, computational linguistics, image analysis and computer vision. Aimed at graduate students in biomedical engineering, mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering with a good background in mathematics and probability, the text includes numerous exercises and an extensive bibliography. Additional resources including extended proofs, selected solutions and examples are available on a companion website. The book commences with a short overview of pattern theory and the basics of statistics and estimation theory. Chapters 3-6 discuss the role of representation of patterns via conditioning structure and Chapters 7 and 8 examine the second central component of pattern theory: groups of geometric transformation applied to the representation of geometric objects. Chapter 9 moves into probabilistic...