McGraw-Hill Professional

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Optimize Your Trading Edge: Increase Profits, Reduce Draw-Downs, And Eliminate Leaks In Your Trading Strategy

Автор: [автор не указан]
Год: 2011
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 288
ISBN: 9780071498463
You can't profit without an edge Without an edge, the costs of trading will cause you to lose money over the long haul. In order to gain an edge in trading, you must find a statistical advantage within a market. And the best edges come from market shifts fueled by a trader’s psychology. In Optimize Your Trading Edge, investing expert Bo Yoder provides traders in every market with the insight needed to hone their current trading strategies with edge analysis. Optimize Your Trading Edge explains the important dynamics of statistical probability and how it applies to the unpredictability of the financial markets caused by human behavior—that is, cognitive biases. This essential guide shows you how to evaluate the profit expectations of a specific trading strategy and fine-tune that plan to best exploit its market edge. Discover what successful traders have achieved through edge analysis: Increased earnings Reduced draw downs resulting in...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 07:53:17



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