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One Small Sacrifice: A Memoir: Lost Children of the Indian Adoption Projects

Автор: Trace A DeMeyer
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 284
ISBN: 061558215, 061558215X, 061558215X
"It's an unforgettable memoir" Award-winning journalist Trace A. DeMeyer's second edition has even more of her remarkable story and the disturbing history of closed adoption used to break up tribal families. ...What is known about the Indian Adoption Projects and the aftermath has been pretty much secret . . . Until now. A reader praised her book: The journey, the courage and openness of your work. It's very inspiring. The way 'Small Sacrifice' shares itself . . . it's as if the book were speaking . . . holding a talking stick with us all gathered in a circle . . . we come together through your sacrifice. Trace blogs at: www.splitfeathers.blogspot.com.
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 06:30:40



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