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On Shooting - Letters to Young Sportsmen - Part III.

Автор: Douglas Cairns
Год: 2008
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 56
ISBN: 9781443758789
TO sportsmen of riper years several seasons of almost total abstinence from social shooting may have meant a certain amount of inconvenience inseparable from the upsetting of crusted habits. Even those who took it thus were in a minority. Most of us had enough to do otherwise, and too much by far to think about. But to the youth of Britain those four years are a dead loss in the matter of sporting education and that the youth of Britain intends to shoot, the market for lets, and even for sales, is a sufficient indication. Even the boy of unmilitary age prior to the Armistice has lacked that experience which gocs far to shape his prospective qualifications, not only as a good shot, but also-and this is far more important-as a safe one, and, incidentally, as a welcome guest now and perhaps as a tactful host in the future. For such a desirable con- summation is the result of observation of the best models and imitation of their technique. Going out with a keeper may teach a boy the...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:34:36



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