Объектно-ориентированное проектирование

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Компьютерная литература >Разработка программного обеспечения >Объектно-ориентированное проектирование >

Object-Oriented Programming with ActionScript 2.0 (Voices That Matter)

Автор: Jeff Tapper, James Talbot, Robin Haffner
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0735713804
Master the principles of object-oriented programming as it is used with the most recent version of ActionScripting. This book is designed to provide readers with an understanding of object-oriented programming, ActionScript 2.0, and the interaction of the two. Section 1 begins with an introduction to ActionScript 2.0 and the specifics of building classes in AS2. Other topics of discussion include adding properties and methods to classes, inheritance, interfaces, inter-object communications, the details and implications of object-oriented design as a process, and working with and building components. Section 2 investigates the server side of applications. In the new Rich Internet Application paradigm, Flash MX 2004 is used as the user interface to an Internet based Client-Server application, and we will frequently need to interact with other server based technologies. Chapters discuss the importance of the server model; specific methods to interact with different server side...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:55



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