Библия. Евангелия. Тексты

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Религии мира >Христианство >Библия. Книги Священного Писания Ветхого и Нового Завета >Библия. Евангелия. Тексты >

Moses Is Dead

Автор: Larry Herndon
Год: 2012
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 308
ISBN: 9781621478058
Moses Is Dead takes a critical look at some false doctrines being preached across the country and world today. Larry Herndon's well-researched, biblically rooted study exposes the falsehood in the idea that works and adhering to the law of Moses contribute at all to one's salvation. Larry explains through scripture that the law serves only to help one recognize their sinful nature and his need for a savior. Written for believers who desire to know better the doctrine of grace and faith-based salvation, Moses Is Dead explains that the law produces in us a spirit of fear that prevents us from coming to the Father, the very one calling us to come to Him, to know him more fully, and to rely wholly on him for the free gift of salvation through his precious Son. Larry invites you to join him on a journey of discovery...and death. Death to self-reliance, death to mistrust, and death to the spirit of fear used by the enemy to keep us bound to the law from which Christ freed us with His...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:36:37



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