Водка. Коньяк. Виски. Пиво

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Домашний круг >Кулинария. Напитки >Напитки, домашнее виноделие >Водка. Коньяк. Виски. Пиво >

Michael Jackson's Great Beer Guide

Автор: Michael Jackson, Sharon Lucas
Год: 2000
Издание: DK Adult
Страниц: 544
ISBN: 0789451565
Which beers are the best? Get the inside stories on Czech pilseners, German lagers, Belgian wheat beers and Trappist brews, classic British ales, Irish stouts, and American microbrews. The shelves of the supermarkets are packed with an every-changing array of beers from around the world. Bars, pubs, restaurants, and clubs stock an ever-greater range. Which will suit your tastes? Which is the beer for the moment? Will this beer be light, crisp, and refreshing; this one sweet, that one dry and bitter? TV Beer Hunter Michael Jackson has tasted them all. He describes the flavor and body of each beer, explains why beers taste the way they do, notes their strength and ideal serving temperature. Spot the best beers with aid of superbly shot photographs, each showing the bottle, label, and the properly poured beer in its ideal glass. Never before has beer looked so beautiful!
Добавлено: 2013-06-17 18:20:25



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