Mathematics of Data Fusion (Theory and Decision Library. Series B, Mathematical and Statistical Methods, Vol. 37)
Автор:Irwin R. Goodman, Ronald P. S. Mahler, Hung T. Nguyen, I. R. Goodman Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0792346742 Data fusion or information fusion are names which have been primarily assigned to military-oriented problems. In military applications, typical data fusion problems are: multisensor, multitarget detection, object identification, tracking, threat assessment, mission assessment and mission planning, among many others. However, it is clear that the basic underlying concepts underlying such fusion procedures can often be used in nonmilitary applications as well. The purpose of this book is twofold: First, topoint out present gaps in the way data fusion problems are conceptually treated. Second, to address this issue by exhibiting mathematical tools which treat combination of evidence in the presence of uncertainty in a more systematic and comprehensive way.These techniques are based essentially on two novel ideas relating to probability theory: the newly developed fields of random set theory and conditional and relational event algebra. This volume is intended to be both an update on...