Managing Multimedia: Project Management for Interactive Media, Second Edition
Автор:Elaine England, Andy Finney Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0201360586 Are you are a designer, producer or programmer struggling with the pressures of multimedia project management? Are you a client commissioning a web site or CD-ROM and don't know what that entails? Is your project fast spiralling out of control while whole areas of the business remain a mystery? Then this second edition of Managing Multimedia will relieve the pressure, providing more practical advice and insiders' tips to help you deliver a high-quality project in time and within budget. New to this Edition * thoroughly updated to reflect trend towards on-line project development * coverage of marketing and distribution concepts * identifies future trends and directions * The accompanying CD-ROM adds colour, sound and movement to complement aspects of the text and is designed in cross-platform HTML for easy customisation. Key Features * includes management guidelines for each stage of the multimedia project life cycle from initiation to completion *...