Автор:Maxine Clarke Год: 2011 Издание:Книга по Требованию Страниц: 166 ISBN: 9780954917180 The author grew up in Jamaica and as a child was taught to make soaps by her grandmother. They grew all the plants they needed to scent and colour their soaps and even used wood ash from the stove to make caustic potash when none was available in the shops. This background helped Maxine develop a passion for soap making and a unique type of natural soaps and toiletries, both of which she shares in Make Your Own Natural Soaps. It is intended for beginners, includes both hot- and cold-process soap making, with careful step-by-step instructions. There are extensive bar, liquid and cream soap recipes, full details of the equipment needed to make a start and a re-batching chapter just in case anything goes wrong! And for anyone interested in turning their new skills to profit there is information on the legislation and regulations you need to comply with to be able to sell soap.