Классическая и современная проза

Список источников >Художественная литература >Проза >Классическая и современная проза >

Life as it is. For Home and Supplementary Reading. Book I. The L-Shaped Room

Автор: G. Apshtein, N. Kazanskaya
Год: 2002
Издание: Антология
Страниц: 176
ISBN: 5949620046
The novel was written in 1960 and it is one of the most famous and popular of post-war novels. The author of this novel deals frankly with the problems of unmarried woman, called Jane Graham, who is going to have a baby. When Jane Graham moves into the L-shaped room, she is pregnant and alone. The room is sordid and depressed in an ugly district in London. Jane feels miserable. But her life is changed by her new independence and her new neghbours.
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 06:39:51



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