Автор:Carlos Fuentes Год: 2003 Издание:Aguilar, Altea, Taurus, Alfaguara, S.A. de C. Страниц: 412 ISBN: 9681912020 Language : Spanish In this new novel Carlos Fuentes returns with great force to the political novel that he has developed with great success. This story will leave an impact on its readers because of the current political aspects that it presents. It isthe year 2020, in a Mexico without telecommunications or computers because the United States (owner and exclusive supplier of everything) has punished them. This is also the year in which the presidency is being disputed, in other words, it will be decided who will seat in the Seat of Power to never leave it. In these cases there is no loyalty: to obtain power, any father would betray his son, any wife her spouse, the Secretary of State would deceive the Head of State; anything can happen. The winner, the Anointed one, hides an amazing secret that he will need to conceal at all costs.