
Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Домашний круг >Рукоделие. Творчество >Вязание >

Knockdown Knits: 30 Projects from the Roller Derby Track

Автор: Toni Carr
Год: 2008
Издание: John Wiley and Sons, Ltd
Страниц: 134
ISBN: 9780470239544
Knit neat items inspired by sassy roller derby girls with the thirty hip knitting patterns that you will find in Knockdown Knits: 30 Projects from the Roller Derby Track. Roller derby, with its cheeky players, fast-paced jams, heart-stopping pileups, and rowdy, raucous atmosphere, is just as hot as the designs in this unconventional book. The Naptown Roller Girls of Indianapolis, Indiana, share the patterns they use when they're knitting in the off-time. On skates, they're hell on wheels; in their spare time, they've discovered that knitting is a relaxing, creative outlet.
Добавлено: 2013-06-17 18:00:25



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