
Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Домашний круг >Кулинария. Напитки >Десерты >

Just Chocolate: Everything You Need to Know About Chocolate

Автор: Mr Stephen S Alison
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 162
ISBN: 1481179446
“Just Chocolate” is a comprehensive guide to Everything You Need to Know about Chocolate including detailed information on the History of Chocolate, Interesting Facts about Chocolate, Types of Chocolate, Chocolate and Health and the Health Effects of Chocolate. It includes 50+ Delectable Chocolate Recipe Variations covering 11 different recipe categories. Chocolate is a treasured dessert across the world, but few people realize how unique and special the decadent treat actually is. Beginning with the people of Meso-america, chocolate has had a reigning role in many cultural traditions. Whether it is used to symbolize wealth and importance or is given as an expression of love and admiration, chocolate has earned a status that many other types of food can never hope to reach. Chocolate is mood enhancing stuff, containing chemicals that have been scientifically proven to cheer you up, alleviate aches and pains, and even make you feel as though you're falling in love. Chocolate has been...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 06:51:54



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