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Julie Jason's Guide to Connecticut Probate: What Every Connecticut Family Needs to Know About Probate

Автор: Julie Jason
Год: 2006
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 404
ISBN: 1425960154
No matter what your age or marital status, someone in your family will be affected by probate in one way or another. Julie Jason's Guide to Connecticut Probate: What Every Connecticut Family Needs to Know About Probate, gives you a lay of the land in an easy to understand form that you and your family members will enjoy reading. Acclaimed by experts in the trusts and estates field, this book will help you learn important lessons that your family can apply today to address uncertainties, save money, avoid unnecessary taxes, find and work with an experienced lawyer, and set up a family plan to organize affairs. Worth the price of the book alone is the reference section containing official Connecticut forms and publications and other valuable resources.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:33



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