IT Services Portfolio Management Best Practice Handbook: Planning, Implementing, Maximizing Return on Investment of Strategic IT Portfolio Management - Ready to use bringing Theory into Action
Автор:Gerard Blokdijk, Ivanka Menken Год: 2008 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 144 ISBN: 1921523514 If you support an organization that wants to improve the performance of complex IT portfolios to achieve both immediate and strategic goals or are responsible for and oversee many projects that are contractually required to produce measurable results; youwill be pleased to find that this book serves as both a roadmap and a checklist for achieving IT portfolio results. The book is written in the language of business, which helps technical professionals in their communications with business executives. his book is highly recommended to every IT professional and business executive interested in getting more results for the dollars spent on IT. This book is applicable to virtually all organizations--small, medium, and large--because virtually all rely on nformation technology to obtain business results. Required reading for IT management. IT Portfolio Management presents the first detailed overview of an emerging, business-focused approach for managing all things IT. If you...