Автор:Phyllis Moen Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0801488370 How do two-career couples manage in a one-career world? It?s about Time examines this mismatch between outdated scripts and the experiences of dual-earner couples. It broadens our understanding of occupational and family career strategies couples use in light of the widening gap between their real lives and the outdated work-hour and career-path roles, rules, and regulations they confront. It?s about Time draws on the data from the Cornell Couples and Careers Study to demonstrate that: ?regardless of income, time is a scarce commodity in dual-earner households. With two jobs, two commutes, often long work hours, high job demands, business travel, several cars, children, ailing relatives, and/or pets - time is always an issue. ?time is built into jobs and career paths in ways that make continuous full-time (40 or typically more hours a week) paid work a fact of life in American society. ?the multiple strands of life--career, family and...