Incubators: A Realist's Guide to the World's New Business Accelerators
Автор:Colin Barrow Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 047084292, 047084292X, 047084292X Incubation is all about providing fertile conditions in order to foster new business ideas and encourage entrepreneurial spirit. Within the field of incubation there are a number of different operators, offering a choice of services, at different levels, with varying degrees of success. The question is how to make an informed choice about whether or not to go for an incubation service and its likely fit with your venture's strategic objectives. As well as pulling together all the available research on the current incubator space, Colin Barrow takes a critical look at the likely outcomes of undertaking each type of incubation. This is not a book for the faint-hearted. It is for the open-minded. Make sure you benefit from this excellent resource before you mortgage the future of your business... This is the first book ever to include a world directory of the key 500 enterprises offering incubation services. The directory provides an excellent starting point in identifying...