Общий менеджмент

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Implementing a Mixed Model Kanban System: The Lean Replenishment Technique for Pull Production

Автор: James C. Vatalaro, Robert E. Taylor
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 125
ISBN: 1563272865
When describing kanban implementation most information resources merely reference it without explaining it in technical terms or providing implementation details. Authors James Vatalaro and Robert Taylor address the need for kanban implementation guidance in Implementing a Mixed Model Kanban System: The Lean Replenishment Technique for Pull Production. Implementing a Mixed Model Kanban System is a comprehensive and in-depth guide to implementing a kanban within the value stream. Its plain-language approach provides step-by-step coverage and guidance of the implementation, metrics, and dynamics of an effective kanban system based on proven reliable methods honed through years of implementation experience within manufacturing and non-manufacturing environments. By focusing on a case study of a manufacturing company trying to create and maintain continuous flow in their value stream. Vatalaro and Taylor show the reader how to construct their own kanban process, from beginning to end....
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:58



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