I'Ve Seen A Lot Of Famous People Naked, And They'Ve Got Nothing On You
Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2011 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 240 ISBN: 9780814408605 Jake Steinfeld has seen a lot of big-name celebrities naked — that is, “stripped” of the trappings of fame and fortune. He has learned what makes successful people tick and he has used that knowledge to turn a personal training business into a premiere fitness product brand, a 24-hour fitness television network, a professional sports league and instant recognition everywhere he goes. This book is “Business by Jake.” I've Seen a Lot of Famous People Naked, and They've Got Nothing On You is an eye-opening success story and an entrepreneur’s toolkit—combined with a motivational kick in the “buttissimo” that is pure Jake!