Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471983128 The rich online world offered through the Web is marred by the chaos which underlies it. At the very early stages of understanding how to harness the power of this new medium, electronic document creators, managers and researchers often spend time on technology innovations at the expense of adopting the sound engineering principles which have paid such dividends in the software industry. Hypermedio & the Web approaches interactive information (concentrating on hypertext documents) as a structure requiring management, quantification and documentation. From analysing the purpose for which a website, CD-ROM or online archive is created, assessing the characteristics and resources needed for the process of building each one, to the assessment of the end product itself, this book attempts to carve out features that are essential to the successful structuring of information in an electronic environment. This is an ambitious book charting an emerging discipline. It is an essential tool to...