
Список источников >Художественная литература >Поэзия >

Humble Beginnings: An Expression of my Journey through Paintings and Poems (Volume 1)

Автор: Mr. Timothy L. Giles
Год: 2011
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 128
ISBN: 1453849262
This is a book of original artwork created by the author, Timothy L. Giles. Upon review of each subject matter, Mr. Giles hopes that the reader experience an influx of emotion because they can relate; whether the piece of the father kissing his son or the African mother preparing food for her family. He hopes that everyone comes with the same conclusion that the world is a small village and we have more in common than our differences. Mr. Giles also authored the poems that are included with each piece of artwork. The poems express the emotions he felt while painting. His spirit of painting is massaged and inspired by family, history, struggles, and the journey of so many strong individuals. One of his favorite pieces is of the old woman with the walking cane entitled "The Elder". Mr. Giles states he could feel her strength, wisdom and grace each time he sat down to apply paint to paper. He wants you to also feel this same sort of emotion when viewing his work. Mr. Giles’...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:43:49



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