How to Really Start Your Own Business, Fourth Edition
Автор:David E. Gumpert Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0970118163 For the estimated 16 million Americans attempting to start businesses, this book serves as an essential launching pad by leading them step-by-step through the start-up process. Addressed are issues such as generating viable launch ideas, locating sourcesof financing, attracting the best employees on a start-up budget, and improving chances for meeting cash flow projections. Founders of such successful companies as Crate & Barrel, Pizza Hut, and Celestial Seasonings offer real-life guidance and encouragecontinual assessment of one's readiness to start a business. Included are engaging exercises at the end of each chapter for determining one's preparedness for moving to the next chapter and, thus, the next level of entrepreneurship. Rather than get-rich-quick strategies, these steps result in a well-reasoned and practical approach to business start-ups and emphasize that launching a business is challenging work that requires careful self-examination, commitment, and close attention to...