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How to Make Money and Grow Your Business Using Text Message Marketing: The Small Business Owners Edition

Автор: Charles Brocato
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 68
ISBN: 1468118382
How to Make Money and Grow Your Business Using Text Message Marketing reveals proven strategies you need to be successful with mobile marketing. Mobile has changed our lives and we have adapted with new behaviors. We live in a fully customizable digital world and one size fits all marketing no longer works. Discover how to use tested and profitable marketing concepts specific to the mobile user. Learn why mobile marketing is not about the technology. This book will show how and why you need to be using mobile marketing and offers more than just a “paint by the numbers” approach. Packed with real marketing fundamental and principles, anyone who reads will gain insights and understanding of valuable marketing concepts and techniques. A sure fire way to be successful with mobile marketing. Charles Brocato is a trusted advisor as he reveals secrets that the marketing world doesn’t want you to know.
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:44:02



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