Маркетинг. Общие вопросы

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How Customers Think: Essential Insights into the Mind of the Market

Автор: Gerald Zaltman
Год: 2003
Издание: Harvard Business School Press
Страниц: 352
ISBN: 1578518261
Despite the resources spent on market research, nearly 80 percent of new offerings fail. The pattern is predictable: Customers say they want something, companies create it, and once it's available, customers don't buy it. Why? Is it because customers just don't know what they want? Gerald Zaltman sorts through this puzzle and concludes that, at some level, customers do know, but marketing's most overused tools-surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups - and conventional thinking don't dig deeply enough to help them discover and express it. In this mind-opening book, Zaltman argues that 95 percent of thinking happens in our unconscious. Therefore, unearthing your customers' desires requires you to understand the "mind of the market," that dynamic interplay between the consumers' and the marketers' thoughts that determines the outcome of every buying decision. Building on research from disciplines as diverse as neurology, sociology, literary analysis, and cognitive...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:53:40



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