Hospital History and Medical Practice in My Small Town
Автор:Albert H. Meinke Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 213 ISBN: 1553957458 Book DescriptionThe idea to write about some of my practice experiences, and at the same time point out some of the changes in medicine which were taking place during all of those years, came to me in September 2001, shortly after I received an invitation to speak at the dedication ceremonies for a recently completed, large addition to the modern Eaton Rapids Medical Center. Because I had been deeply involved with its founding and early operations, and had treated patients there during the first 26 yearsof its existence, I was asked to speak for five to seven minutes about the early years of the hospital, ------ years when it was known as Eaton Rapids Community Hospital. As I was thinking about what to say, I realized that the time allotted for my speech would not allow me to even begin to adequately present the subject. Here then, in these pages, are recorded some of the many things I would have liked to have told my audience in that speech. It is my story of the hospitals and...