Автор:Anthony Hernandez, Jay Conrad Levinson Год: 2007 Издание:Morgan James Publishing Страниц: 185 ISBN: 0976849186, 9780976849186 This book will grow your profits! Marketing: Three syllables that fill most small business owners and entrepreneurs with dread. If this describes you, then you need to read this book because marketing and managing a thriving and profitable business is nothing to fear, nor does it have to be overly expensive or complicated. In fact, growing your business can be both a lot of fun and very, very profitable. This book is written as a series of conversational articles organized into chapters. Each article/chapter contains lots of great advice on such topics as: Marketing? Customer Service? Management? Sales? Productivity? & much more... If you're in business or thinking of going into business, then you owe it to yourself to read this book and put the advice it contains to work for you.