Зарубежное фэнтези

Список источников >Художественная литература >Фантастика. Фэнтези. Мистика >Зарубежное фэнтези >

Guards! Guards!: The Play

Автор: Pratchett Terry
Год: 2014

Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 9780552144315
Terry Pratchett's infamous city of Ankh-Morpork is under threat from a 60-foot fire-breathing dragon, summoned by a secret society of malcontented tradesmen. Defending Ank-Morpork against this threat is the entire, underpaid, undervalued City Night Watch - a drunken and world-weary Captain, a cowardly and overweight Sergeant, a small opportunistic Corporal of dubious parentage...and their newest recruit, Lance Constable Carrot, who is upright, literal, law-abiding and keen. Aiding them in their fight for truth, justice and the Ankh-Morporkian way are a small swamp dragon and the Librarian of Unseen University (who just happens to be an orang-utan).
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 15:56:09



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