Общий менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Общий менеджмент >

Global Smarts: The Art of Communicating and Deal Making Anywhere in the World

Автор: Sheida Hodge
Год: 2000
Издание: Wiley
Страниц: 256
ISBN: 0471382469
It may not surprise you to learn that seventy percent of cross-border joint ventures fail within the first three years. But did you know that the reason most commonly cited by transnational executives for this phenomenal failure rate isn't geopolitics, global competition, or economic volatility, but culture clash? As one frustrated transnational manager quipped, "How are you supposed to get all your ducks in a row when half of them think theyre turtles?" Why, despite the vast sums spent each yearon cross-cultural executive training, do so many well-laid business plans continue to fall apart under the strain of cultural differences? Author Sheida Hodge finds the answer in the training itself, which typically focuses on "the ten percent of the iceberg above the surface - how to bow or shake hands, whether to cross your legs, what gestures to use." Much more dangerous is "the ninety percent of the iceberg that is under water" - the deep-seated cultural values on which unsuspecting...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:43:51



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