Getting Your 15 Minutes of Fame and More!: A Guide to Guaranteeing Your Business Success
Автор:Edward Segal Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471370584 A GUIDE TO GUARANTEEING YOUR BUSINESS SUCCESS Everything You Need to Know to Get Your Products, Services, or Expertise into the Public Spotlight?and Stay There! Praise for Edward Segals Getting Your 15 Minutes of Fame? And More! "In Edward Segals Getting Your 15 Minutes of Fame?And More!, readers will discover the ease of becoming famous as well as the ways to handle fame. The book demystifies the mysterious process of obtaining free publicity and does it in a wonderfully readable and engaging style. The book is so well written that enjoyment and enlightenment go hand in hand."—Jay Conrad Levinson, author of the bestselling Guerrilla Marketing series of books "Edward Segal perfectly captures the challenges, opportunities, and rewards of fame, and provides all the tools you need to help achieve your desired level of public recognition. Great reading!"?Sergio Zyman, author of The End of Marketing As We Know It ...