Повести и рассказы о животных

Список источников >Детям и родителям >Художественная литература >Повести и рассказы о животных >

Gentle Tara and the Haunted House

Автор: Robert Peate
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 130
ISBN: 1475004052
Book Two of the Gentle Tara Tales. There is a house outside of Aurora, Ontario, they call the Marsden House. Who knows what is inside? When Tara learns of the House from her friend Christie, she decides she must find out. Without even telling her magical friends, she sets off that night to explore the decaying old place. What she finds there will lead her on a quest across an ocean to find a killer and heal horrible wounds. Do you have as much courage as Tara? Will you enter the haunted house? Edited by Kevin Babcock.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:50:18



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