История вооруженных сил зарубежных стран

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Общественные и гуманитарные науки >Военное дело. Оружие. Спецслужбы >Вооруженные силы. Теория военного искусства >История вооруженных сил зарубежных стран >

Generation Kill

Автор: Evan Wright
Год: 2009
Издание: Corgi Books
Страниц: 480
ISBN: 9780552158930
Generation Kill is about the young men sent to fight their nation's first open-ended war since Vietnam. Despite the flurry of media images to come of the recent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, you have never really met any of these people, who serve as front-line troops. For whatever reason, the media simply doesn't get them. As we all know, news accounts of the last two wars focused almost exclusively on battlefield imagery of high-tech weapons wreaking astounding destruction, comply with analysis from retired army grandees and other experts, punctuated by the odd heart-warming patriotic sound-bite. The troops themselves play a role in the media's presentation of recent wars rather like extras in The Triumph of the Will. They are everywhere yet somehow invisible. When they speak you get the sense that what they are saying has been carefully scripted. Now Generation Kill tells the soldiers' story in their own words. The narrative focuses on a platoon of 23 marines, many of them...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 13:15:03



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