Зарубежная литература для детей

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Gaspard and Lisa Friends Forever (Misadventures of Gaspard and Lisa)

Автор: Anne Gutman
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 32
ISBN: 0375822534
Amazon.comGaspard and Lisa have been best friends for a long time ("since last year") and this endearing book in Anne Gutman and Georg Hallensleben's charming series of small square books tells the story of their friendship. Despite the fact that he is the only dog in a classroom of humans, Gaspard (a black dog) thinks Lisa (a white dog) looks weird. (And a trifle unwashed, to boot.) But everyone else thinks they look like brother and sister, and when he vociferously protests the comparison, Gaspard and Lisa have their first fight. Things look up when Gaspard discovers that Lisa is a very fast runner and she helps his team win the race. From then on, they are fast friends. Fans of the series will love learning the back story, and those unfamiliar with the dynamic duo will enjoy the sweet tale of a budding, if-at-first-rocky friendship. (Ages 4 to 8) --Karin Snelson Book DescriptionGaspard and Lisa have been friends for a long time . . . ever since last year. In Gaspard and Lisa...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:49:09



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