Автор:AJ Newell Год: 2012 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 142 ISBN: 1469917793 Not everybody knows what a nose tackle or a shotgun formation is. Finally, you'll "Get it". Speak 'footballese', improve your confidence, know what's going on - quickly & easily. You know by now that "Footballese" is just English mixed with jargon and spoken with excitement, so it can be pretty frustrating to hear a??touchbacka?? or a??first and tena?? and not know what the fuss is all about. Sometimes, even asking someone to explain whata??s happening in a live football game leads to petty fights and frustration. If you are one who has been through failed attempts to understand and share other people's passion for football, here at last is a beginnera??s guide to football thata??s written with people like you in mind. Enter Gaga for Gridiron. Whether youa??re totally clueless or want more in-depth info about the game, this guide will surely be your final and definitive football reference. Learn the game and discover why so many people go crazy over football! Gaga for...