Общий менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Общий менеджмент >

Fundamentals of Prosperity: What They Are and Whence They Come

Автор: Roger W. Babson
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0894992112
George W. Coleman, the well-known advertising expert, wrote at the time of the original publication in 1920: "Just the right tonic for a sick world, without any doubt. I wish every business man in the country would read it, especially the younger men, just coming into power. Mr. Babson sees clearer and farther than any business man I know and has the courage and devotion to say what he sees." And the Western Christian Advocate said: "Have you heard of Roger Babson, the great statistician and business expert? Then listen; he has written a book. You can read it in an hour. It is just the thing you want to reach the apathetic man who passes up the church and spends his powers and energies on patriotism and good citizenship. Get this book at once. Read it." Roger Ward Babson (1875-1967) achieved many successes in his lifetime. His personal and professional accomplishments as entrepreneur, educator, and philanthropist demonstrate the merits of his particular formula for success:...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:52



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