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Frommer?s® Montreal Day by Day

Автор: Leslie Brokaw
Год: 2010
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 192
ISBN: 9780470507346
15 Self–guided Tours. 29 Maps. One Great Trip. At last, a travel guide that tells you how to see the best of everything?in the smartest, most time–efficient way. The best of Montreal in one, two, or three days Thematic tours for every interest, schedule, and taste Walking tours of the city?s best–loved neighborhoods Hundreds of evocative color photos Bulleted maps that show you how to get from place to place Hotels, restaurants, shopping, and nightlife for all budgets A tear–resistant foldout map?enclosed in a handy plastic wallet you can also use for tickets and souvenirs
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 07:59:39



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