Страниц: 148 ISBN: 9783846591093 LIPS Abstract Machine (LAM) is a very simple and easy to understand abstract machine. Will surely recommend this to the industry! - Balamurugan Shanmugam, QA Team Head The thesis is simple to read and easy to understand. The Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) to describe the asynchronous message passing of LIPS reads so simple and can be learnt svery quickly. I feel this is an excellent work for researchers who would like to work on asynchronous communicating systems - Jasmine Santiago, Software Consultant, Caterpillar Inc, USA The author provides formal semantics for Language for Implementing Parallel/distributed Systems (LIPS), which is a well known point-to-point asynchronous message passing language that combines dataflow computing techniques with the use of guarded processes, and with advantages such as being simple, portable, handling communication efficiently as well as avoiding deadlock and livelock problems. Furthermore, by implementing Asynchronous Message Passing...