Essential Werewolf By Night Volume 1 TPB (Essential)
Автор:Gerry Conway, Mike Friedrich, Tony Isabella, and others, Mike Ploog, Ross Andru, Gene Colan Год: 2005 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 576 ISBN: 078511839, 078511839X, 078511839X Whether they came at him in committee, cult, or carnival, no nemesis was a match for Marvel's highest-ranking horror hero! With some of the most scintillating supernaturalism served out by the seventies! Guest-starring the hero who goes with everything, Spider-Man! Introducing Topaz of Witches! Plus: the deeds of Dracula, the transformation of Tigra, and more! Collecting Marvel Spotlight #2-4, Werewolf By Night #1-21, Marvel Team-Up #12, Tomb Of Dracula #18, Giant-Size Creatures #1.