Entrepreneurial Finance: Finance for Small Business, Third Edition
Автор:Philip J. Adelman Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0131842056 Book DescriptionTargeting readers who wish to learn more about the financial aspects of entrepreneurship, this book provides financial statements for every type of business, not just corporations; and includes balance sheets that show a negative equity position, as many businesses do get into financial difficulty or declare bankruptcy. Updated to include the latest tax laws and current interest rates, Entrepreneurial Finance includes an extensive chapter on personal finance and covers every type of retirement program available to the small-business owner. Written in the first person that speaks directly to the small business owner, this book provides practical problems, reflects current Federal Reserve policy, and gives specific uses for eachof the six formulas presented regarding the time value of money. It outlines the basic economic factors affecting finance, discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various forms of business ownership, and discusses working capital...