Empowerment for Sustainable Tourism Development (Tourism Social Science Series)
Автор:Trevor H. B. Sofield Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0080439462 Book DescriptionConsistent with the objectives of the Tourism Social Science Series to explore theoretical advances in tourism studies, this book broaches new territory by exploring the triadic relationship between tourism, sustainable developmentand empowerment. While tourism has begun to focus on community consultations in the past two decades the process has tended to follow the path of development for communities rather than development by communities. In many cases the result has been disempowerment rather than empowerment. This study goes beyond a focus on the impacts of tourism to explore the relevance of a body of political, economic, sociological, anthropological and development theory to formulate a synthesized construct of empowerment which provides a useful standpoint to consider the community/tourism development relationship. The approach that has been adopted also attempts to combine the emic paradigm with the etic, th