Efficiency of Ringing,Amino Acids and Interstock on ‘Le Conte’ Pear
Автор:Ahmed Farag Год: 2012 Издание:LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Страниц: 92 ISBN: 9783659216817 Productivity of pear varies in Egypt from year to year and location to another. This might be attributed to limited ovules viability and stigma receptivity, poor pollen germinability, ovule abortion, excessive flower abscission and low fruit set.The influence of polyamines in increasing fruit set has been observed in apple Malus domestica Borkh. and ‘Comice’ pear.The vegetative development of extension and bourse shoots on pear trees seems to have priority over reproductive development in the early season, thus negatively affecting fruit set and fruit growth by cell division. Girdling did reduce the average length of bourse and extension shoots, therefore allowing more of the available assimilates to be partitioned to the developing fruit during the early cell division stage of fruit development. Girdling shift the balance from vegetative to reproductive growth by decreasing the strength of the vegetative sink.Modified flowering and controlling of vegetative growth in pear may be...