Обучение детей

Список источников >Детям и родителям >Книги для родителей >Обучение детей >

Educatin for Сhild Rearing

Автор: G. Orville, Jr. Brim
Год: 1965
Издание: Russell Sage Foundation Publications
Страниц: 366
ISBN: [не указан]
What are different types of parents like; why do they behave as they do? How permanent are the effects of parents upon a child's personality? Does the father or mother play the larger role in child rearing decisions? Are parents' feelings about their children more important than the techniques they use in raising children? What have been the changes in advice to parents over the past fifty years, and what has caused these changes? Is there one best way to raise children, or are there many equally good ways depending on the kind of person the parent is? What kind of parent reads books about children; what kind prefers advice from doctors; what kind of parents take part in parent discussion groups? These are some of the questions discussed in this work, carried out under the joint sponsorship of the Child Study Association of America and Russell Sage Foundation. In it, Dr. Brim analyzes the assumptions and methods of the increasing number of parent...
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 14:49:44



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