Уфология. НЛО. Аномальные явления в окружающей среде

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Эзотерика. Парапсихология. Тайны >Тайны (таинственные явления в природе и истории) >Уфология. НЛО. Аномальные явления в окружающей среде >

Earth's Cosmic Ascendancy

Автор: George E. Moss
Год: 2014
Издание: Книга по Требованию
Страниц: 322
ISBN: 9781910121283
The 'Kingsclere Seance Group' was gathered together in the late 1970's and presided over by Leslie Bone, a gentleman of marked psychic abilities. In 1994, the light-being 'Salumet' joined us from Angelic Realms, as guide and teacher; choosing to speak via medium Eileen Roper, who rapidly assumed 'full-trance'-Eileen's own consciousness placed to one side, thus providing the purest of channels. Salumet's mission to Earth has been twofold-firstly to divert from nuclear self-extermination that we were then rushing headlong into; secondly to teach truth of existence. Although first and foremost spiritual beings, we live midst a confusion of religious beliefs, scientific belief, and the essential eternal spirituality. 21st century scientists MUST accept that mind, spirit, thought, consciousness, prayer, telepathy and aether are all external to material space-time world. The Space-time creation includes brain-a biological computer that can download thought-behind-words to its known...
Добавлено: 2015-04-22 23:37:13



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