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Delia's Kitchen Garden: A Beginner's Guide to Growing and Cooking Fruit and Vegetables

Автор: Gay Search, Delia Smith
Год: 2008
Издание: BBC Books
Страниц: 168
ISBN: 0563493739
Delia Smith has always been concerned with the quality and flavor of the ingredients she uses, and nothing comes fresher than fruit and vegetables straight from the garden. When the opportunity arose for her to work with garden expert Gay Search to create her own kitchen garden, she seized the chance. This guide, with gardening advice by Gay and recipes and advice on cooking the crops from Delia, is for any cook interested in good food, free from pesticides, who wants to try their hand at growing their own. It follows a year in the life of Delia's kitchen garden, with a chapter devoted to each month, and contains detailed advice on sowing and planting, fruit and vegetable varieties, and how to harvest. Lavishly designed with hundreds of color photographs, and with Delia's recipes that use the produce at its peak, this guide is suitable for first-time horticulturists and cooks of all levels.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 11:35:54



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