Автор:Nick Sambrook Год: 2014 Издание:Книга по Требованию Страниц: 176 ISBN: 9780992889845 Some Penguins are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. But none of these applied to Dave. No, for him, greatness was an experience package delivered from the collective penguin mind to him by mistake. It was big and heavy with thousands of parts inside that smashed together alarmingly when you shook it. There was no obvious contact number or return address, and frankly the thing could have been for anyone. What Dave had actually ordered was a surfboard, a fishing rod, two tickets to a warm remote beach, and a simple life. What he got, was ultimate knowledge, a vast management problem, responsibility, and a bill for insufficient postage. Such was life these days. Yes, Dave was a penguin, but not just an ordinary penguin; he was an emperor penguin, and a smart one at that. He was about to have the most extreme ongoing 'spiritual' experience imaginable. The problem was that nobody could give a...