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Daniel "Chappie" James: The First African American Four Star General

Автор: Earnest N. Bracey
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 231
ISBN: 0786414456
Book DescriptionGeneral Daniel "Chappie" James, Jr., USAF, fought in three American wars and became the first African American to attain the rank of four-star general in the United States Armed Forces. He was a talented military leader, an excellent orator and an advocate for equal rights for blacks in the military. James was once one of the most powerful men in the world, and today he is often classed with such great American generals as Patton, MacArthur and Pershing. This biography explores James?s life and assesses his place in American military history. From his childhood through his role and service in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, the book traces his personal and career development, his influences, and his climb through the military ranks. Photographs of James are included as well as detailed bibliographical information at the end of each chapter.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:56



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